
Democracy is one of the four pillars of the OAS. Consolidating and defending democracy in the Americas are among the key objectives of the Organization. OAS Member States adopted the Inter-America Democratic Charter on 11 September 2001 in Lima, Peru. This underscored the importance of democratic values to the hemisphere.
The OAS Secretariat for Strengthening Democracy (SSD) is charged with strengthening political processes in the Member States to support democracy in the interest of peace, security and development.

  • The OAS has played a pivotal role in mediating political crises and disputes between Member States and in mounting OAS Electoral Observation Missions. Jamaica supports these efforts as long as they are undertaken at the request of Member States.
  • Jamaica is committed to the principles of the OAS, including that of promoting and consolidating democracy in the hemisphere.
  • The Inter-American Democratic Charter is considered a high mark in the history of the OAS and an expression of the firm commitment of all the Member States to democracy in the Americas.